Day two of non-smoking

OK, I've made it to the end of day two!!! I'm pretty stoked, but I'm also not going to get ahead of myself. A few years ago I went about 10 days and then started up again, so I need to keep an eye on myself. Sorry about the picture, but it pretty much sums up my brain function at the moment. Anyway...
I started quitting on Sunday, and went to a mate's place for a barbie, and everyone was smoking. It was tough, but I figure if I can get through that (drinking beers, eating plenty of food etc.), anything else should be OK.
Well, today was of-course Monday. Working and not smoking isn't too hard, it's the morning, the lunch break and after work that had me grinding my teeth. Sh|t, I really wanted to go and get some smokes, but at the same time I knew the will-power was there to avoid it. I'm quietly confident.
On Sunday night I had some NASTY nightmares. I havn't remembered a dream for a while, but I sure remember this one. I havn't got time to go into it, but I'll write it up soon. Good to be back going on and on about my my pisssweak excuse for a problem. Want to tell me where to stick it? Leave a comment or chuck a message in a bottle, whatever floats your boat.
1 Interesting comments:
Hang in there!! It does get easier.
I quit smoking back in September, and by the end of Day Two, I was clawing my way up the walls lol.
I found that chewing Sugar Free Gum helped a lot, and also getting out and about as much as possible - sitting in the house drove me absolutely nuts!
Good luck!
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