quitting smokes again again
Tomorrow I quit again, again. This time I'm gunna do it. I'm pumped, I'm confident; it will happen. Cigarettes are so bad! They stink!
I am trying to quit cigarettes and this is where I whinge about it. Words of support appreciated. Send me an E-mail (TheNewNormal) and I'll be your friend.
I'm back with a new job and a new quitting campaign, Questions, support, abuse? Mail to: TheNewNormal
1 Interesting comments:
You may have found out by now, but many comments left on your prior posts were left by spam bots, or advertisers. They leave bizzare messages with weird syntax. If you don't want them, then activate the word verification function in your blogger settings. That way a human has to type in a displayed word to leave a comment on your post, and the spam bots can't do that.
On the smoking thing, you've got a smart idea for a blog. There are so many angles to the health, and quitting issues. For yourself, have you ever looked into quitting aids such as nicotine patches, hypnosis, etc.?
Good luck with quitting smoking, you will do yourself a huge favor in terms of much better health a few years down the road.
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