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Monday, December 05, 2005

i am so fucking pissed off

I am fucking pissed off! I want to crush someone's face into the wall. It's hot and sticky, I have made bad decisions, I have fucking had enough of this shit and... well... what can I do? I can't just go around hurting people who don;'t dserve it can I? If this pain was caused by and enemy then it would be easy, hurt him. But its not that simple (it never is is it?).This is an outrlet i suppose, just bashing away on a keybored even though noone is going ot read this anyway nbut it makes me feel better anyway. see, a full stop. I just paused there and contemplated,m a sure sign that I'm calming down. Ah well, I have no reason to complain (well I do, but not compared to some people who keep their trap sut) so so ... so ... catharsis, hardly. But at least I've stoped typing

2 Interesting comments:

Anonymous Anonymous screamed...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting :). Just release your anger, through...ah...ok, just stay there :p

9:58 PM  
Blogger TAotB screamed...

Man, you need a hug, dude.

I stopped smoking cold turkey after 10 years. Been two now.

It was tough but it's a choice you can make. Once you make that decision, you'll be free.

If you still have ashtrays around, cigs stashed in the closet or glove box, your favorite lighter still on top of the dresser . . . you haven't reached that point yet.

I know it's tough, man.

I wish you all the luck. Keep it up. focus on what's better about your life without cigarettes.

The Artist

3:18 AM  

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