I'm back with a new job and a new quitting campaign, Questions, support, abuse? Mail to: TheNewNormal

Saturday, December 24, 2005

I won $50 at Blog Explosion!!!

As usual I went to check my e-mail today, had a quick scan, no mail from where I was expecting it. Then, something caught my eye. Could it be? "You won $50 from the BE Christmas Contest" as a subject line! Man, was I pumped, and on Christmas Eve too! I've had a lousy couple of days leading up to Christmas, and I was getting humbugshous, but this has put a big smile on my dial. (B.E. comp. details

Thankyou to all Blog Explosion staff and, of course, all Blog Explosion members, who have been so good to me. If you're reading this, have a site, and don't know about Blog Explosion, I recommend it very highly. The community has excellent people (sooo nice and helpful), excellent features (did you know you can win $50 each day in December, hehe) and excellent blogs (except mine, which must be the exception); excellent!

Once again, THANKYOU and

Merry Christmas EVERYONE!

PS: thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Chronic

I duno if this will work. We'll see eh.

It worked. PS: shamelessly stolen from: youtube.com

Merry Christmas Everyone!

And a happy new year!
If anyone wants to give me a present, they can donate to Oxfam, that would make me happy.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

nothing in particular

I'm writing this post, not because I have anything in particular to write about, it's just been quite a while since I've written one so...

Well, a topical issue in Australia is the racist violence. Hmm, where do I start. Firstly Racists piss me off! but secondly, and perhaps more importantly, people like Howard who tacitly encourage it get me very mad. He uses 'dog whistle politics' to get elected, and then is surprised when people have an attitude towards others percieved to be different. Talking out of both sides of your mouth is not a uniquely 'political' skill, but come on, a leader should be more responsible.

Another topical issue here in Australia is boobies. The general consensus is that boobies are very cool, both men and women seem to agree. I dunno what else I can say on the subject, except that I don't have any boobies :( ahhh well, you can't have everything I s'pose.

One last comment, there, done.