I'm back with a new job and a new quitting campaign, Questions, support, abuse? Mail to: TheNewNormal

Friday, October 21, 2005

4th day

Philip Morris is a dick!

The fourth day started OK. I went about my business, walking past cigarette weilding bastards that seemed to jump out of nowhere saying (sssmmmmoooookke meeeee).

This is a satellite photo slice of the East Coast of my home. In summer it's awesome. I love the beach. Anyway, I digress and must confess:

I was waiting for a bus and decided to get a beer (like yestertay, but at a different bus stop) but the damn pub was shut! On my way back to the bus stop I got a pk of 20s S#$T! and a lighter. I sat there for a bit before I sparked one up.

I went through the rest of the day with 19 cigs in my pocket, whispering sssmmmmoooookke meeeee, but I held off and held off until just now.

So, I've had two cigarettes today! What a f%&k up! I plan on keeping up the fight. The problem is that tommorrow is Friday, then Saturday, then Sunday, how the hell am I going to do it with 18 cigarettes constantly whispering sssmmmmoooookke meeeee ... sssmmmmoooookke meeeee.

Philip Morris is a dick!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Third day of Non-Smoking!

Well, the title is a bit misleading because I have been smoking the odd cone here and there, with no spin in it though, so no nicotine. This bushitler gif is from blogfart which is a cool site, you should check it out (unless you're her mum/mom in which case you should stay away.
I've run out of chewy stuff to chew on and can't find anyone who deserves me getting mad at them. If there's anyone out there who desperately needs an abusive e-mail, drop me a line at TheNewNormal@hotmail.com with a subject line asking for abuse
I've stopped smoking longer than 3 days before and then started up again, so I've got to keep my guard up. I sat at a bus stop today (my weakest, need a cig time) but I didn't have one. I actually went to the pub accross the road for a beer and waited for the bus in there and still didn't have a smoke. I took a 'stress ball' into town with me (yes, I am a d!(k-head) but I didn't use it because I felt like a d!{k head.
It's already Thursday, so I'd probably better get to bed. If you want to comment, tell me that I'm a whinging little baby who should thank f$@k for the chance to choose, tell me I'm cool, very cool, The Fonz Cool, whatever, go for it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Day 2

Well, I'm well into my seconed day of non-smoking now. It's the strangest thing.
It's very hard
It's very easy.
I want to break s#%t and stuff but I'm keeping it all under control pretty well. I havn't punched anything/anyone. Having a bit of weed without any spin has helped. I'm doing push-ups to get rid of my frustrations. I havn't got a girlfriend at the moment, but I'm not sure whether that's helping me quit or not. I'm making a lasagne for the first time tonite too, so wish me luck (ha ha).

I think that if I can last a week or two, then it should get easier. I can already notice my sense of smell is changing. When a mate walked in with a cigarette today it smelt like s*&t and I told him to get out. I think I can taste things differently too, the tomatoes from the lasagne taste very strong. I think having a girlfriend would help; damn I need some sex. S&$t, I think the mince & tomatoes are burning, catchyal8r!

Day 2 Contd.

Yeah, I did burn the mince & tomatoes. Ah well, it just gives it a slight charcol flavour, which I associate with lasagne anyway, I don't know why. Cigarettes suck! They stink! They will respect my


Quitting Smoking

Today I stopped smoking. Someone said once that quitting smoking is easy, I've done it hundreds of times.That's pretty much where I'm at, I've tried to quit many times before and always failed. This time, however, will be the last time I quit. I will do it. I'm only at 21 Hours but I think I can do it this time. Any hints?