4th day
Philip Morris is a dick!
The fourth day started OK. I went about my business, walking past cigarette weilding bastards that seemed to jump out of nowhere saying (sssmmmmoooookke meeeee).
This is a satellite photo slice of the East Coast of my home. In summer it's awesome. I love the beach. Anyway, I digress and must confess:
I was waiting for a bus and decided to get a beer (like yestertay, but at a different bus stop) but the damn pub was shut! On my way back to the bus stop I got a pk of 20s S#$T! and a lighter. I sat there for a bit before I sparked one up.
I went through the rest of the day with 19 cigs in my pocket, whispering sssmmmmoooookke meeeee, but I held off and held off until just now.
So, I've had two cigarettes today! What a f%&k up! I plan on keeping up the fight. The problem is that tommorrow is Friday, then Saturday, then Sunday, how the hell am I going to do it with 18 cigarettes constantly whispering sssmmmmoooookke meeeee ... sssmmmmoooookke meeeee.