Deja vu again, again

OK, here we go, I quit again tomorrow. I am determined that this time will be the last time. As I've said before: Quitting is easy, I've done it hundreds of times. The key is to How I'm going to achive it this time, when I've failed on so many other occasions, I don't know.
I suppose I have to just keep in mind that cigarettes stink, they taste bad, people look at you like you're a lepper, they cost way too much money and I've heard a rumor that they are not all that good for you. Also, in my home State of Tasmania, you are now not allowed to smoke in bars and clubs. That's right people, the age old tradition of having a beer and a smoke will now cost you $2000 and the pub owner twice that.
That siht really pisses me off. I want to quit, but surely people should be allowed to have a beer and a cigarette if they want to! The argument is that the employees of the bar have no choice. Well, I've got news for everyone: people work in hazardous environments all the time. I admit that bar-chicks in face masks is not all that good a look, but it should be a possibility for those that want to open a "smokers' bar".
Hopefully it won't be an issue for me, because I won't be a smoker tomorrow, but I think the principle of choice is an important one.
Happy New Year everyone!
Oh yeah, I hear that women prefer their men to not smoke, but I don't have any evidence to back it up. Any female who has bothered to read this far (congrats!) let me know what you think (and if your in the Tassie area... tee hee hee).